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We are eternally grateful for all of our wonderful guests over the years. We live and operate in this wonderful coastal town where so many have been able to share the splendor and beauty of such an incredible place, creating lifelong memories. Without you all, we would not be here! With everything going on in the world today, we have all faced changes to our daily lives and routines. While the COVID-19 Pandemic has created new normals, we have focused on the future for our guests. 

It is our pleasure to announce that we will be re-opening on May 23, 2020!

As we move toward re-opening our doors to you, here are some of the changes that you will notice:

We hope that you continue to stay safe and healthy and when you are ready to visit, we will be here to welcome you all with (Physically Distanced) open arms. Reservations can now be booked on our website or by calling us at (541) 265-2477.


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